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Trustworthy Computational Societies
Alessandro Sebastian Podda
Fabrizio Mulas
Giovanni Michele Pinna
Livio Pompianu
Ludovico Boratto
Massimo Bartoletti
Paolo Pilloni
Roberto Saia
Salvatore Carta
Sergio Serusi
Stefano Lande
Tiziana Cimoli
1st Scientific School on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
A contract-oriented middleware
A labelled semantics for Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming
A note on two notions of compliance
A theory of agreements and protection
An event-based model for contracts
Betty Summer School 2016
Blockchain day @ Stirling
Choreographies in the wild
Choreography synthesis as contract agreement
Circular Causality in Event Structures
Combining behavioural types with security analysis
Compliance and subtyping in timed session types
Contract agreements via logic
Contract-oriented Computing in CO2
Contracts as games on event structures
Debits and credits in Petri nets and linear logic
Developing honest Java programs with Diogenes
FET consultation: how much is a Bitcoin worth, and why?
Flow unfolding of multi-clock nets
Honesty by Typing
Lending Petri Nets
Lending Petri nets and contracts
Modelling and verifying contract-oriented systems in Maude
New member: Gabriele Pulcini
Notes on Artificial Intelligence
Notes on contract-oriented computing
On the realizability of contracts in dishonest systems
PhD Course on Models of Distributed Systems
PhD Course on Security Protocols
PhD Course: Bisimulation, process algebras, and coinduction
PhD course: Distributed applications with automata and choreographies
PhD course: Reversible Computing
PhD short course: Proofs and types
PhD Thesis: A Theory of Agreements and Protection
Postdoc position in Computer Security
Security Horizons
Security Horizons: kick-off meeting
Seminar: A Calculus of Controlled Monotonicity
Seminar: a contract-oriented middleware
Seminar: A lightweight introduction to concurrent systems
Seminar: A Tool for Verifying Bisimilarity in CCP
Seminar: Alceste Scalas, "On the security of social networks"
Seminar: an introduction to soft constraints with bipolar preferences
Seminar: Behavioural type-checking of time-sensitive protocols
Seminar: Circularity, event structures, and contracts
Seminar: Coinduction Up-To for Non Deterministic Automata
Seminar: Compliance and subtyping in timed session types
Seminar: Computational complexity of interactive behaviors
Seminar: Differential Interaction Nets and True Concurrency
Seminar: Distributed management of distributed systems
Seminar: Facets for partial order methods
Seminar: Formal Models in Systems Biology
Seminar: Lending Petri Nets (and contracts)
Seminar: Lightweight session programming in Scala
Seminar: Matteo Manca, "Social Recommender Systems"
Seminar: Multiparty testing preorders
Seminar: Nominal Automata for Resource Usage Control
Seminar: On the decidability of honesty and of its variants
Seminar: On the Security of the Blockchain Bix Protocol and Certificates
Seminar: Paolo di Giamberardino "Linear logic as resource-aware logic"
Seminar: Paolo di Giamberardino "Soft Session Types"
Seminar: Reasoning Techniques for Concurrent Constraint Programming
Seminar: Scala in practice
Seminar: Towards type-safe sessions in Scala
Seminar: Transcompiling and Analysing Firewalls
Seminar: Validation of Decentralised Smart Contracts Through Game Theory and Formal Methods
Seminars series: cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
Seminars series: cryptocurrencies and smart contracts 2017
Shonan meeting on Software Contracts
Social Glue
Talk: Choreographies in the Wild
Talk: Flow Unfolding of Multi-clock Nets
TCS members win Hackathon Cagliari
Tool demo: a contract-oriented middleware
Towards a linear contract logic
Towards a theory of honesty
Two postdoc positions
Upcoming paper: A formal model of Bitcoin transactions
Upcoming paper: A general framework for blockchain analytics
Upcoming paper: A journey into Bitcoin metadata
Upcoming paper: A survey of attacks on Ethereum smart contracts
Upcoming paper: An analysis of Bitcoin OP_RETURN metadata
Upcoming paper: An empirical analysis of smart contracts: platforms, applications, and design patterns
Upcoming paper: BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts
Upcoming paper: Blockchain for social good: a quantitative analysis
Upcoming paper: Constant-deposit multiparty lotteries on Bitcoin
Upcoming paper: Data mining for detecting Bitcoin Ponzi schemes
Upcoming paper: Faderank: an incremental algorithm for ranking Twitter users
Upcoming paper: Honesty by Typing
Upcoming paper: Progress-preserving Refinements of CTA
Upcoming paper: SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts
Upcoming paper: Timed Session Types
Upcoming paper: Verifying liquidity of Bitcoin contracts
Verifiable abstractions for contract-oriented systems
Vicious circles in contracts and in logic
What if contracts are violated?
Security Horizons
Kickoff Meeting: Cagliari, March 4th, 2013
Report 2014
Smart Collaborative Engineering
Social Glue
CO2 model checker
KSOAP2 patch
LTS WorkBench
Mass moderation in phpBB
Social Glue Framework
Timed session types
Bitcoin dePonzifier
CO2 middleware
Trustworthy Computational Societies
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