Upcoming paper: SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts
Post date: 01-Mar-2018 22:34:33
Upcoming paper (to be presented at POST 2018)
SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts
Nicola Atzei, Massimo Bartoletti, Tiziana Cimoli, Stefano Lande, Roberto Zunino
Abstract. Albeit the primary usage of Bitcoin is to exchange currency, its blockchain and consensus mechanism can also be exploited to securely execute some forms of smart contracts. These are agreements among mutually distrusting parties, which can be automatically enforced without resorting to a trusted intermediary. Over the last few years a variety of smart contracts for Bitcoin have been proposed, both by the academic community and by that of developers. However, the heterogeneity in their treatment, the informal (often incomplete or imprecise) descriptions, and the use of poorly documented Bitcoin features, pose obstacles to the research.
In this paper we present a comprehensive survey of smart contracts on Bitcoin, in a uniform framework. Our treatment is based on a new formal specification language for smart contracts, which also helps us to highlight some subtleties in existing informal descriptions, making a step towards automatic verification. We discuss some obstacles to the diffusion of smart contracts on Bitcoin, and we identify the most promising open research challenges.