PhD Course: Bisimulation, process algebras, and coinduction
Post date: 09-Jul-2012 17:01:12
Upcoming PhD course
Bisimulation, process algebras, and coinduction
July 2012
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari
Emilio Tuosto
Department of Computer Science
University of Leicester (UK)
Abstract. After a brief (non technical) introduction of the abstract concept of bisimulation, the course will show how this notion can be used to define observational semantics of concurrent computations expressed as process algebras (with names). Finally, the course will highlight the coinductive nature of bisimulation and how to use coinduction to reason about the behaviour of concurrent (or diverging) applications.
The official presentation of the course will be on July 10 (Tuesday) in Aula Magna Matematica, at 18:00. The schedule of the course will be fixed during this meeting.
Course schedule.
- Tuesday 10, 18.00-19.00 Aula Magna Matematica
- Thursday 12, 18.00-19.00 Aula C
- Monday 16, 15.00-17.00 Aula C
- Tuesday 17, 15.00-17.00 Aula C
The course has been funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia through the Visiting Professor Program 2011-12.